Holy Child Auxilium School

Holy Child Auxilium School , New Delhi is a catholic Minority Institution established in 1970 and run by the Salesian sisters. It is an English Medium School and though meant primarily for Christian girls, it admits children of other communities and religions. It is recognized by the Directorate of Education, Delhi Administration and affiliated to the

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Holy Child Auxilium School


From the earliest years of education right through to graduation from secondary school, HCA students are given every opportunity to thrive.

Holy Child Auxilium School

Principal's Message

Dear friends and well wishes, Don Bosco says, "Education is a matter of the heart," His Preventive system relies on three fundamental principles: Kindness, Reason, and Religion. Kindness means a fundamental respect for the youngsters by which they feel they are loved. Reason consists essentially in disposing the students to obey not from fear or compulsion, but from persuasion. Religion addresses the spiritual development of the students. Education is the cornerstone of our journey towards a brighter future. It equips us with the knowledge and skills to navigate an increasingly complex world. Education is not just about acquiring facts; it's about fostering critical thinking, creativ...

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